Continue reading to see where the humans are buying this device and how it
Just look at this crazy high-tech,
poop-harvesting machine they’ve developed:
Why would humans go to so much trouble to invent this if they weren’t using our poo for…SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!?!?! LIKE MAKING DIAMONDS. OR POWERING THEIR GLOBAL ECONOMY!?!?!?
“It is simply purr-posterous to believe that humans AREN’T storing our poopies on the moon."
“Area 51? What if it’s really Area #2. WAKE UP KITTIES!"
"The next time I have to go number 2, I’m going to think twice."
“We’re the only animal allowed to live AND poop inside their home. It all makes sense now."
"The night ball is really a sub-zero dookie storage facility. The truth is out there."
"The ScoopFree quietly rakes our poo away so they can rake in the billions."
See how much your human loves you when you’re not producing.
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